Why Choose Ireland?

Ireland has been recognised as the top eurozone country and the eight best country in the world in Forbes’ most recent (2018) list of the best countries in the world to do business. Furthermore, according to the Central Statistics office (2017), the Irish economy is set to become the fastest growing in the Europe Union.

This economy offers a range of valuable benefits to incoming investors including;

  • access to an EU market of 500m consumers,
  • availability of educated talent with favourable demographics,
  • a competitive 12.5% corporate tax rate.

With such an educated workforce, positive trading conditions and a gateway to our European neighbours, Ireland continues to be an ideal location for international companies to set up or expand their operations. According to IDA Ireland (2018), over 1,600 multinational companies have chosen Ireland as their strategic European base across sectors including Digital and Social Media, Gaming, Life Sciences, International Financial Services and Information and Communications Technology.

Leading-edge brands such as Apple, Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, PayPal and Hubspot have chosen Ireland as the location for their EMEA headquarters. Ireland is fast becoming a hub for these key sectors, which in turn is driving growth and recovery in the economy making it an attractive and thriving place to do business.


Meet your team

Bank with us for global thinking and local knowledge

We offer a dedicated service to international companies setting up in Ireland, which includes;

  • A central point of contact available to you,
  • A responsive, efficient and reliable service,
  • Decisive action, through our strong local knowledge and the ability to make decisions locally,
  • Access to the resources of our global business to help you every step of the way.
  • Flexible and fully serviced work and event space in Manhattan, supporting the potential to scale up business. Find out more
Head of Global Foreign Direct Investment - US Based
Kevin Elliott
Senior Vice President - Foreign Direct Investment
Stephanie FitzGerald-Smith
Senior Vice President - Foreign Direct Investment
Eoghan Howe
Senior Vice President - Foreign Direct Investment
Pamela Connell