Leveraged Acquisition Finance

Our teams have a presence across the globe.


About Us

Bank of Ireland’s Leveraged Acquisition Finance team are specialists in leveraged finance – arranging, underwriting and distributing transactions, via a dedicated Syndicated Finance team across a broad range of geographies. With extensive experience across all sectors, the team focuses on providing debt finance solutions to leading private equity houses in the European and US leveraged buyout markets. With offices in Ireland, the UK, Continental Europe and the US, the Leveraged Acquisition Finance team is comprised of over 90 dedicated professionals, who exhibit a flexible, commercial approach and benefit from a streamlined decision-making process. The team transact on a pan-European basis and across a variety of sectors. Since 2010, 157 MLA transactions have been completed.

Our services

The Leveraged Acquisition Finance team provides a comprehensive product range including senior and subordinated debt (second lien and mezzanine), unitranche and super senior facilities. Working with colleagues across the Division, the team can also provide access to other services such as structured products, interest rate and exchange rate hedging instruments and cash management solutions. In addition, a dedicated Portfolio Management team monitors individual asset performance and manages transactions post-completion.

The transaction scope includes:

  • Management buy-outs and buy-ins
  • Leveraged buy-outs
  • Leveraged corporate acquisitions
  • Public to privates
  • Capital re-organisations
  • Capital expansions

Why choose us?

  • Long term commitment to the asset class
  • Timely and responsive credit culture and process
  • Creative and innovative debt solutions
  • Strong track record of successful deliverability
  • Consistently delivering high levels of customer satisfaction
  • Professionalism and commitment
  • Long term asset holder
  • European and US footprint
  • Ability to execute cross-border transactions

Meet your team

United Kingdom

The team covers the UK, Scandinavian and the Benelux markets and is an established player in the mid-market providing a range of capital solutions to both club and underwritten transactions.

Head of Leveraged Acquisition Finance - Corporate & Commercial Banking
Peter Mullen
Head of UK Leveraged Acquisition Finance - United Kingdom
Shaun Purdey

L’équipe Financement d’Acquisitions de Bank of Ireland est solidement établie sur le marché Européen du Leveraged Finance, offrant des solutions de financements aux fonds d’investissement les plus renommés. La banque fait partie des Arrangeurs les plus actifs du marché.

Les équipes de Financement d’Acquisitions comptent plus de 90 professionnels repartis dans 7 bureaux en Europe et aux Etats-Unis arrangeant des transactions aussi bien en Irlande, au Royaume-Uni, en Europe Continentale que sur le marché nord américain. Bank of Ireland offre à ses clients une palette exhaustive de services, incluant notamment des financements Senior et subordonnés supportés par des équipes de Syndicated Finance.

Head of Leveraged Acquisition Finance - Corporate & Commercial Banking
Peter Mullen
Head of Origination - France
Jerome Bonan

Seit 2006 hat die Bank of Ireland eine auf Akquisitionsfinanzierungen spezialisierte Niederlassung in Frankfurt und hat sich seit dem als ein führender Anbieter für Fremdfinanzierungslösungen bei Unternehmenskäufen am deutschsprachigen Markt etabliert. Das Team arbeitet grenzüberschreitend mit den Büros in Irland, UK, Frankreich, Spanien und den USA zusammen und kann so auf die Expertise von über 90 Professionals zurückgreifen. Das umfangreiche Produktspektrum reicht von Senior- und Unitranche-Lösungen bis zu Second-Lien und Mezzanine Transaktionen, die als Club Deal oder auch als Underwriting strukturiert werden können. In den letzten 8 Jahren hat das deutsche Team Finanzierungen im Wert von über EUR 1 Milliarde für Private Equity Investoren zur Verfügung gestellt, die sich insgesamt auf über 30 Transaktionen aufteilen.

Head of Leveraged Acquisition Finance - Corporate & Commercial Banking
Peter Mullen
Head of Acquisition Finance - Germany
Thomas Grau

Opened in 2019, our Madrid based Leveraged Acquisition Finance team are specialists in leveraged finance. With offices in Ireland, the UK, Spain, France, Germany and the US, Bank of Ireland Leveraged Acquisition Finance comprises over 90 dedicated professionals across a variety of sectors and has a loan book in excess of €5bn.

Head of Leveraged Acquisition Finance - Corporate & Commercial Banking
Peter Mullen
Head of Acquisition Finance Spain - Corporate Banking
Beltran Paredes
Acquisition Finance - Spain
Peter O'Connor
United States

Bank of Ireland’s US Leveraged Acquisition Finance Group was formed in 2002. We are engaged in arranging and underwriting debt facilities in support of leveraged buyouts, recapitalizations and capital expansions for private equity backed transactions.

Financing products include senior secured cash flow facilities, second lien and mezzanine facilities, unitranche facilities as well as equity co-investments. Our US Capital Markets team facilitates the syndication of underwritten debt facilities and other capital raising activities. The Leveraged Acquisition Finance group also provides US Treasury facilitated hedging, swap and multicurrency funding capabilities to our private equity clients.

Head of Leveraged Acquisition Finance - Corporate & Commercial Banking
Peter Mullen
Head of US Leveraged Acquisition Finance - United States
Chris Mangan
Managing Director - Chicago, Illinois
Richard Michalik