Escrow Agency Service

Minimise the risk for
your critical transactions

Escrow Agency Services

Bank of Ireland’s Escrow Agency Services can help you successfully mitigate counter-party risk for critical transactions, such as mergers and acquisitions, trade finance, asset finance, project and construction finance and litigation.

Our specialist Escrow Agency team act as a neutral third party to hold assets in Escrow until an obligation is met or a commitment fulfilled. We provide a quick turnaround on establishing Escrow arrangements, enabling you to close deals without delay.

How can Escrow solutions mitigate risk?

We offer flexible solutions to meet your Escrow needs. Our team will work with you to determine the ideal Escrow structure for your transaction.


Read on for some examples of how Bank of Ireland can mitigate transaction or counterparty risk for you.



  • Mergers & Acquisitions

    We hold a percentage of the purchase price in Escrow for a period of time to ensure compliance with representations and warranties or performance of covenants.

  • Capital Raising

    We hold funds and do not distribute until all investors participate in the transaction (pending a successful capital call or other form of capital raising). This is particularly relevant for private equity funds, hedge funds and venture capital funds.

  • Construction / Project Finance

    We hold funds until completion of pre-defined construction milestones, after which Escrowed funds are released to the appropriate party. This offers an alternative to Standby and Trade Letters of Credit to ensure performance in trade or other financing arrangements.

  • Litigation

    We hold funds in Escrow pending the outcome of a court judgment.

  • Regulatory Requirements

    We hold funds until compliance with regulatory requirements are met, e.g. obtaining licences to do business or an environmental clean-up.

  • Asset Finance

    We hold funds until the completion of the defined conditions precedent are met, with a specialist expertise in aircraft finance.

Associate Director - Corporate Banking
Sheila Quinn
Deputy Manager - Corporate Banking
Emma Smith
Associate - Corporate Banking
Averil Westman