Mezzanine Finance from Bank of Ireland

To further strengthen our Corporate Lending proposition, Bank of Ireland has added Mezzanine Finance to our Irish market product offering, creating a one-stop business financing solution for Irish Corporates and their advisers.
Bank of Ireland has been providing Mezzanine Finance for over 10 years through our global Leveraged Finance business. Now, in response to customer demand, we are pleased to extend this service to the Irish Corporate Market.

What can Mezzanine finance be used for?

Typical scenarios include:
• Leveraged buy-outs
• Management buy-outs
• Acquisitions and Capital Expansions
• Refinances and Shareholder Re-organisations

Mezzanine Finance complements our existing Corporate Banking offering which includes:

• Tailored banking solutions to match your funding requirements
• Sector experts and a regional network that spans the Island of Ireland
• Clearing facilities, working capital, senior and junior debt, private placements, treasury products, trade finance, digital banking solutions
• Access to our international network via our offices in London, New York, Paris, Frankfurt and Madrid

Get in touch with our team for more information

Director - Property Investment
David Mountjoy
Senior Manager - Corporate Banking
Dorothy Halligan